Mark your calendars for the services of Holy Week and Easter. These services connect us with our fullest understanding of Easter, as experienced through centuries-old services celebrated within the historic Christian church. Participate in as many of these services as you can, and you will experience a deepened appreciation for the message that we Christians are “an Easter people!” Click HERE for a printable flyer.

Palm Sunday-4/14/2019: 8 am and 10 am – blessing and distribution of palms.
(The 10 am service will start with a Palm Procession from Dunne Park.)

Maundy Thursday-4/18/2019: 6:00 pm – Supper; 7:00 pm – Footwashing, stripping of the altar.

Good Friday-4/19/2019: noon – Stations of the Cross, reserved sacrament.

Good Friday-4/19/2019: 7:00 pm – Ecumenical Service at Hillside Christian Fellowship, 281 San Felipe Road – Stations of the Cross, reserved sacrament.

Saturday Great Easter Vigil-4/20: 8:00 pm – New fire, Exsultet, ‘lite’ incense.

Easter Sunday-4/21: 8 am and 10 am – Flowering of the cross, Easter lilies, great music; followed by an awesome Easter Egg Hunt for the children…

We are a liturgical church, carrying forward these services which symbolize Christ’s teaching, his servanthood, his sacrifice, and his victory. Invite a friend to join you.