Sermons from August 2018

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Pentecost 14B: 8/26/2018

Pentecost 14B

Jesus is the bread of heaven, the cup of salvation. When we choose to take him in; he is in us, and we are in him. We receive him / his Spirit / spiritual blessing / spiritual strength. We become who we really are – spiritual beings in a physical body; in the world but not of the world.
Do you believe that there is spiritual warfare going on?

Pentecost 12B; 8/12/2018


Pentecost 12B

Reverend Ardyss discusses our Christian response to the hurtful and violent events in Charlottesville, and from around the world. How can we share the message of today’s Psalm: Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Pentecost 11B: 8/5/2018

Pentecost 11B

In a family, at bedtime, we said good night, and went to bed; no hug, no kiss.  When I went to scout camp every summer, or on a weekend trip, no hugs.  Hugs just weren’t part of the culture of my family when I was growing up. Then when I was 28 years old I attended a Cursillo weekend.  I came home from that experience with a driving need to show more of how I felt. The next time I visited my dad in northern New York…