Sermons from April 2019

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Second Sunday of Easter: 4/28/2019

Easter 2 Yr C

The Sunday after Easter always re-visits the experience of the resurrected Jesus appearing to all of the disciples except Thomas. Thomas needed to personally see the marks of the nails before he could believe it was really Jesus the others had seen. And when Jesus returned one week later, Thomas was there, and saw, and said, “My Lord and my God!”.

Fifth Sunday of Lent: 4/7/2019

Lent 5 Yr C

Ruth protected Candace from a tripping fall on a broken sidewalk hidden in the sand. Her elbow took the full force, protecting Candace from the impact of the fall. She had a deep scar for years. What an example of instinct – motivated by love.

Extravagant Love shows itself all around us in life; and it transforms life when it happens.