Sermons from January 2020

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Third Sunday after the Epiphany Yr A: 1/26/2020

Epiphany 3: Yr A

Two sets of brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, and James and John were fishermen at Capernaum, a little town on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.  Jesus called all of them to follow him. They instantly dropped the fishing nets they were mending, and left their boats, their hired laborers, and their father; they left everything to follow Jesus.

Second Sunday after the Epiphany Yr A: 1/19/2020

Epiphany 2: Yr A

Six years ago I was given the life changing invitation by Bp Mary to be on the team from this diocese who met with teams from Tanzania and Gloucester, England to get to know each other, and to discuss how we are different, and how we are the same. People from Gloucester and DWT told us how Christianity came to their country, and how Christianity is shaped and witnessed in their countries today. The speakers from TZ described how the hunger for faith in Jesus was so strong that they could not build new churches fast enough

First Sunday after Christmas Yr A: 12/29/2019

Christmas 1: Yr A

I hope you had a fabulous day last Wednesday. I hope you were able to share time with people you love; maybe to have a special meal together; and maybe to get a gift or two from people who want to be sure you know that you are loved. I think that is the very important point to sharing gifts. It’s nice to get a new calendar from my insurance agent, but that really misses the point to the purpose of the gifts at Christmas.