Sermon Archive

110 of 128 items

Second Sunday of Easter: Yr A: 4/19/2020

Second Sunday of Easter: Yr A

Peter, John, and Mary Magdalene had all seen the empty tomb. Mary had talked with the angel at the tomb; and then she saw and spoke with the resurrected Jesus. He directed her to tell the disciples that he was alive and would meet them in Galilee; and that is exactly what she did. The disciples’ response was to hide out together in a locked room, hoping not to be found by the Jewish leaders or the Romans; hoping not to face the same brutality that their teacher had just suffered. They were filled with fear.

Good Friday: Yr A: 4/10/2020

Good Friday: Yr A

On Good Friday our focus is on what Jesus did for us on the cross. But there is even more to this day than Jesus’ death on a cross. Because we know he defeated death. He transformed the image of a cross from one of unspeakable cruelty, agony, and injustice, to a symbol of victory.

Maundy Thursday: Yr A: 4/9/2020

Maundy Thursday: Yr A

When Jesus had finished the Passover meal with his disciples, he shared bread and wine with them, and instituted what later became Communion. His goal in sharing the bread and the wine was that they would remember him as they faced what he knew was coming. He was honoring what he knew they would be going through.

Palm Sunday: Yr A: 4/5/2020

Palm Sunday: Yr A

Think back to sacrificial giving you have done for people you love.
– Plans for a vacation put aside in order to buy a special birthday gift or Christmas present for your children;
– Wanting to buy that new car; set aside to pay for your child’s tuition to college;
– Years caring for a parent or child who is not able to care for themselves;”

Fifth Sunday in Lent: Yr A: 3/29/2020

5 Lent: Yr A

At the start of this Lenten season I suggested that we look at this as a time to take things away, or add things into our day, that help us move closer to God. I had no idea when I said that how much could be taken away, or how much would be added to our day, thanks to a virus that is spreading across the globe.
Some of my neighbors are not leaving their homes…