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Third Sunday after the Epiphany; 1/21/2018

3 Epiphany

I can feel the excitement in this story of Peter, Andrew, James, and John dropping their nets, leaving their boats, their jobs – even their families, to follow Jesus. He didn’t tell them to repent, or to believe. He didn’t asked if they loved him (except Peter, later); or if they would worship him; or if they would lay down their lives for him. Jesus simply invited them to follow him – and they did.

First Sunday after the Epiphany; 1/7/2018

1 Epiphany

Before Jesus came to the Jordan River, John had used his baptism as a sign of people’s repentance; to make themselves ready for a new stage in their relationship with God. But Jesus changed the very meaning of baptism. There were three important “epiphanies” – things that became known – through Jesus’ own baptism.

Third Sunday of Advent; 12/17/2017

3 Advent

John the Baptizer said that his task was to give witness that the Savior was about to arrive. And when he had given his witness, and when Jesus arrived, John told his followers that it was time for them to go to Jesus.

John’s job was not to be the focus, but to bring focus to Jesus. 

First Sunday of Advent; 12/3/2017

1 Advent
… The stores had aisle after aisle of blinking Christmas tree lights, silver metallic Christmas trees, red satin bells, and lots of statues of Santa, snowmen, elves, and reindeer. The stores were sparkling and musical and happy; but they only had one blow-up crèche scene with a cartoon-ish underinflated version of the baby Jesus in it. The experience got me thinking about the lights of Christmas versus the light of Christ at Christmas.