Sermon Archive

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2019 All Saints Sunday: 11/03/2019

All Saints Sunday; Yr C

Recognizing today as All Saints’ Sunday is an optional observance on our church’s liturgical calendar. We could choose to still have green vestments and hangings, and this would just be the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, part of the long green season in the church. In most protestant churches, this day goes quietly unnoticed. But to me it is one of the most important and meaningful services of the year. And so we use the liturgical color white – the color used to honor saints; and our music and lessons and prayers today focus on those who have come before us.

Pentecost 20C Proper 25: 10/27/2019

Pentecost 20; Yr C

In today’s Gospel reading from Luke the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable said, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people.”  This parable is not about the Pharisee showing off, or lacking in humility. He really believes that his good, virtuous deeds, following and even exceeding the letter of the law, is enough to please God. He believes that if everybody lived like he did, all would be right with the world. What God says through the teaching of Jesus Christ is that human goodness is not enough. Human goodness by itself cannot fix this broken world.

Pentecost 19C Proper 24: 10/20/2019

Pentecost 19; Yr C

In the Gospel lesson today, Jesus told the story of the Unjust Judge and the Persistent Widow to illustrate our need for persistence in prayer. The woman would not give up from pleading for justice.

I understand the feelings of the persistent widow; the feeling that nobody was listening to her.

Pentecost 11C: Proper 16: 8/25/2019

Pentecost 11 Yr C: Proper 16

In the Gospel reading today, Jesus performs another miraculous healing. The story also shows us yet another case of Jesus arguing with the religious leaders about their obsession with rules. The Pharisees took it quite literally that absolutely nothing that hinted of ‘work’ was to be done on the Sabbath; not even the work of healing somebody. Jesus saw that extreme interpretation as ludicrous, and he had no reservations about telling them so.

But there is another dimension to this story that has nothing to do with the Sabbath, and everything to do with the healing Jesus brings to US.