Sermons tagged with ‘Baptism’

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Fifth Sunday of Lent: 4/7/2019

Lent 5 Yr C

Ruth protected Candace from a tripping fall on a broken sidewalk hidden in the sand. Her elbow took the full force, protecting Candace from the impact of the fall. She had a deep scar for years. What an example of instinct – motivated by love.

Extravagant Love shows itself all around us in life; and it transforms life when it happens.

First Sunday of Advent: 12/2/2018

Advent 1

Be on guard. Be alert. Something is happening!

Years ago NBC ran a series of commercials about their nightly news; “The world is complicated. Our job is to make sense of it. That is what we do.” Isn’t that special?

The truth is that daily life includes events that do not make sense. School shootings, boiling tempers in politics and in the streets of America, acts of terrorism around the world, an inability to have civil discourse anymore. In the context of all the issues that can pull us down and wear us out, there is a message in the season of Advent that offers us hope.

Pentecost Last: 11/25/2018

Pentecost Last

What kind of king is he?
In John 6:15, the people were so overcome by the teaching and actions of Jesus that they intended to come and force him to be their king. He rejected that, and Scripture says that he ‘withdrew again to a mountain by himself.’ This was not the kind of kingship he was sent to do.