Sermons from May 2019

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Sixth Sunday of Easter: 5/26/2019

Easter 6 Yr C

Jesus was at the Last Supper, and was giving his Farewell message to his followers. He knew how alone and confused they would feel when he was gone. Jesus offered them a lasting, divine, peace. He told them that by his ascending to heaven, God would send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. This Advocate would be his ongoing presence for us. Through the Holy Spirit, his presence, his teachings, his stories about God and the Kingdom of God, would always be with us. Jesus said that through the presence of the HS, we are never left alone; never separated from Jesus and the Father.

Fifth Sunday of Easter: 5/19/2019

Easter 5 Yr C

Jesus had finished his last meal with his disciples. He dismissed Judas from them – to do his deed of betrayal. Then he said to them, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once.”Is that clear to you? This confusing statement is worth some study. What it says directly relates to God’s reasons for creation, for Jesus becoming human, and for you and me being commissioned as the Body of Christ – the church.

Fourth Sunday of Easter: 5/12/2019

Easter 4 Yr C

Reverend Ardyss spoke today about the calming, comforting presence of our Lord, experienced in stressful situations, and among non-believers, although they probably do not know that God is the source! These are opportunities for us to recognize the blessing of our being held by God when we need it most. 

Third Sunday of Easter: 5/5/2019

Easter 3 Yr C

Our Scripture readings since Easter morning have been witnessed experiences of Jesus’ resurrection; Easter morning: Mary Magdalene at the tomb; 1 Easter: the disciples behind locked doors in the upper room; and today: Saul, Ananias, and Peter.When we read about those first witnesses of the resurrected Jesus, none of them recognized him at first. There was something different about him – no scripture account describes what that difference was. But Jesus was not just brought back to life.